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JungleSeeds appreciates your order and hope you have a successful Tropical Garden, Confirmation of your order has now been e-mailed to the address entered.

We have taken this opportunity to included some comments in regard to frequently asked questions.

Many of the seeds and bulbs that we offer are not traditional house-plants. Many are exceptionally sensitive to the amount of moisture received and to the specific type of compost  that is used. ‘We never use "potting" compost for sowing seeds. It is the most common error that causes plant failure, it is too dense in its molecular structure, usually has too much fertiliser in the mix. It stays wet and causes the seeds to rot from the combination of wetness plus a lack of oxygen . We stress the usage of well draining seed compost for seed sowing. Use proprietary compost MIXTURES not regular potting compost where possible for potting on. If the soil mix that you are using contains too much peat we urge you to add 20% fine grit or Perlite so it will drain better. Follow the instructions that are provided. If you deviate, with many of these seeds you will not have success.. Plant seeds as soon as received. The life span of most tropical seeds happens to be very short and we do not recommend storing the seeds for a later date. Keep in mind that some seeds my take many months to germinate and to a traditional grower of plants that can be an illuminating fact, but it is the exception and not the rule. Most of our seeds are supplied as fresh as is possible.

