
Mammoth Veg

Giant vegetable seeds for fun or exhibition.

If like me you love a challenge to grow some vegetables that impress friends and neighbours then have a go at some of these! I will be adding to the list as I discover new items in the coming months.

Basil Napoletano Bolloso


Giant Leaf Basil  Aprx 100 seeds

Giant leaf basil. Dark green wrinkled leaves with a very intense flavour & aroma with leaves as big as your hand!

Bean Runner Guiness Record


Huge Scarlet Flowered Runner Bean  Aprx 50 Seeds

A red flowered variety that produces extra long pods, averaging around 45cm in length. If the clusters are pruned to one pod per cluster at an early stage then it is possible for the pod to reach 50cm in length. Excellent plant vigour. Resistant to virus races 1 and 2.

Beetroot Mammoth Long


Exhibition Beetroot  Aprx 50 seeds җ

Very long smooth good quality roots. Dark red flesh with a sweet flavour. This Beetroot has won many prizes on the show bench for a number of years.

Cabbage Robinsons Champion


Mammoth Autumn Cabbage Aprx 30 seeds җ җ

This cabbage produces huge round heads in the autumn. Excellent for cooking and coleslaw being full of flavour. Matures from September onwards and is frost hardy. Seeds may be sown during Spring or Autumn to produce giant specimens.

Celery Mammoth Pink


Pink Trench Celery   Aprx 300 seeds  җ

Developed for the vegetable exhibitor, this will produce fine specimens of solid celery with pink hues. An excellent flavoured large trench celery.

Courgette Tromboncino


Climbing Courgette 10 seeds

A very unusual heirloom courgette that has long pale green fruits with a bulbous end. Best picked small for eating but if left can grow to over a metre in length! With its somewhat rude shape it will really make a talking point in your vegetable garden or allotment. To display the unusual fruits at their best try growing it up a frame like a gourd plant.

Leek Autumn Mammoth

Giant Leek  Aprx 250 seeds җ җ
Leek Autumn Mammoth an early variety is comparable to Goliath if left to mature to full size. It has a long shaft and erect leaves, with some rust resistance. Can also be used for succulent baby leeks and therefore a useful multi purpose variety.

Mammoth Onions


Giant Onion Aprx 100 seeds җ

After years of research the Mammoth White onion has reached a high standard of vigour and uniformity and can reach 6lb in weight or more if grown as exhibition use. Very sweet flavour and keeps reasonably well. Even in poor summers we get some good sized onions as in the picture. Mammoth Red is the largest red onion available and also a good keeper.

Marrow Long Green Trailing


Exhibition Giant Marrow 10 seeds 

A strong growing strain which will develop extra large dark green exhibition quality fruit. High yielding trailing plant. Ideal for winter storage. Needs space!

Pumpkin Dill's Atlantic Giant

The Worlds Largest Pumpkin!  5 seeds 
Have a go and see how big you can grow a pumpkin. Pumpkin Dill's Atlantic Giant regularly produces 400 lb. pumpkins with a record weight of  over 1000 lbs.! I have even heard that in hot weather the vine can grow 3ft over night! You will need a big warm plot for one of these and some rich manure dug in. Note this variety is much larger than "Hundredweight" that has had a lot of publicity lately.

Pumpkin Polar Bear


Large White Pumpkin  5 seeds

Pumpkin Polar Bear is an extra-large white pumpkin, with fruit typically over 15Kg in size. Excellent white colour that is retained well after harvest. Vine habit like all Pumpkins with an upright shape to ribbed fruit. Best grown with one fruit per plant though for the largest results. Good for "Ghost" Halloween carving!

Radish German Giant


Giant German Radish Aprx 50 seeds

Originally collected in Germany this radish retains its high quality from the size of a marble to the size of a snooker ball. It does not get woody or spongy, and rarely splits, handling drought-like conditions well. With scarlet skin and a white flesh it is crispy and mild at any size. Thin plants out to get the larger sizes!

Radish Sakurajima Mammoth


Giant Japanese Radish Aprx 50 seeds

his mammoth, round, white radish has a mild, sweet flavour. Harvest when roots reach 10" diameter. Grown in Japan as the "Largest Radish in the World," it sometimes reaches 100 pounds. Used for pickling and cooking, this giant originated in the very southern tip of Japan. Not easy to grow without bolting as they need 12 daylight hours and 12 hours of dark so best to sow Feb for an early crop under glass in pots or again in August. Similar to the daikon radish they need 90 days to maturity.

Sweet Corn Mexican White

Giant Sweet Corn   15 seeds 
A huge edible American sweetcorn variety to 16ft tall with massive 2ft cobs. Sweet Corn Mexican White grows really fast which the kids will love and easy to germinate. Start off in pots in the warm then plant out after any frost danger has passed. Although very strong plants they may need staking in a windy position.

Sweet Pepper "Big Bertha"


Sweet Bell Pepper  10 seeds


The largest elongated bell pepper available. The plant grows to 30 inches and this improved variety sets large 12" fruit and is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Excellent in cooler areas as well as a warm sheltered outside location. 72 days.

Tomato F1 Gigantomo


Giant Beefsteak Tomato 10 seeds

A huge beefsteak tomato and the largest new variety on the market. A modern disease resistant cultivar that's said to also have a reasonable flavour. Fruits weigh as much as 3lbs each so make sure the plants are staked well!



Symbol Codes

Germination -- Easy Moderate and Challenging

Backlog for Fresh Seed Flavour

Hardiness - To -5°C җ To -10°C җҗ Fully Hardy җҗҗ

Needs Shady Position Sunny Position Water Loving