Top Selling Flowers

Our 2018 top selling flower seeds!

Camellia sinensis


Tea Plant 10 seeds

Always wanted to grow your own tea and coffee? Well here’s your chance, with this plant grown for tea in Sri Lanka and India. Camellia sinensis is a member of the Camellia family with white flowers preferring warm damp conditions but no frost. I have read that the first commercial tea plantation is being considered in Cornwall now taking advantage of Global warming.

Cyperus papyrus

Egyptian Paper Reed Pkt
Cyperus papyrus or Egyptian papyrus reed produces the original paper made from the crushed and pulped stems. Easy to grow reaching 6ft to 7ft when mature. In the first year it makes a more manageable 3ft and is easy to grow from seed. Remember that it is a water reed and ideally will need to be left standing with the pot in tray of water. A decorative plant that we often grow as part of our summer bedding in a tropical border.

Ensete ventricosum


Ensete ventricosum the Abyssinian Banana 10 seeds

The Ensetes are a separate species and only a relative to the Musa family, bearing strong attractive light green to grey green stiff leaves, some with a red mid rib and white bloom to the reverse side of the leaves. The plant shown depicts a 2 year old Ventricosum plant in July after over wintering in a frost free Greenhouse.

Ensetes are not frost hardy and must be dug up and kept in a frost free place over the winter.  Keep them on the dry side. Leaves can be cut back to reduce the space needed.  In Spring as temperatures increase water sparingly until in full growth and then plant out in May/June when no risk of frost. Germination requires a temperature of  27°C to 30°C.

Feijoa sellowiana

Pineapple Guava 15 seeds  җ җ
This interesting small shrub also known as Acca sellowiana will take some frost to perhaps -8°C, therefore fully  hardy in some gardens. In mid summer Feijoa sellowiana bears unusual large dark red flowers and if you grow two plants together, they will cross fertilise to bear delicious “guava” flavoured fruits.

Hedychium gardnerianum

Kahili Ginger 10 seeds җ
Hedychium gardnerianum is a spectacular plant and in a large clump with several flowers the effect is stunning with a scent almost overpowering. Flower heads are about a foot tall and some 6" across, yellow with red stamens on top of 5ft stems. I have not met anybody who hasn't fallen in love with this plant when shown a specimen in full flower.

Monarda didyma Panorama Mixed

Bergamot or Bees Balm 25 seeds  җ җ җ
Monarda an old favourite of ours in our cottage garden is a durable, showy garden plant for the perennial border and an interesting cut flower with stem up to 60cm. A tea from the spicy leaves of this plant is known as Oswega Tea and the petals are also edible in salads. This special mixture of Red, Pink and Salmon shades makes a wonderful addition to any garden. Easy to grow and fully hardy.

Ricinus Blue Giant



Giant Castor Oil Plant 10 seeds

We believe this to be a form of Zanzibarensis. From our trials the produced tall plants to 10ft in a year with attractive blue/grey leaves and stems. The seed capsules are also a grey green.

Ricinus Carmencita Red



Ricinus Carmencita Red 10 seeds 

Ricinus Carmencita Red, a superb selected form of Ricinus to 4ft or 5ft with brighter red seed heads and deep red/bronze  shiny leaves. An outstanding plant. Please note that this plant only produces strong leaf colour when in full sun and as it matures above 2ft.

Ricinus communis zanzibarensis



Ricinus communis zanzibarensis 10 seeds

Ricinus communis zanzibarensis has huge green leaves and is capable of reaching 10ft in one season, supporting 2ft wide leaves. Great for an unusual green jungle back drop. We now supply a mixed colour form, some with plain green stems and some with a hint of pink similar to a giant form of Carmencita Pink but without the Carmencita pink flowers.

Ricinus New Zealand Purple


Back in stock!


Ricinus NZ Purple 5 seeds

Ricinus New Zealand Purple is a fabulous new Ricinus with deep maroon to purple metallic leaves, stems and fruit. A tall, majestic plant to 7ft with stunning foliage and a must have for any tropical border. We now have sensible quantities for sale. Please note that the seeds need a little more heat than other Ricinus to get them started.

Tithonia speciosa Torch

Mexican Sunflower Aprx 50 seeds
Tithonia speciosa Torch develops into tall 5’ to 6’ tall sturdy plants with velvety dark green leaves and fiery, red-orange blooms will turn any sunny spot into a Mexican fiesta. Perfect for use as a quick summer screen they also attract butterflies. Heat and drought tolerant and will grow in any soil as long as it is in full sun.

Trachycarpus fortunei


Fresh UK grown seeds!

Chusan Palm  20 seeds җ җ җ

Trachycarpus fortunei is one of our favourite hardy palms from China that we have been growing for over 20 years. This is a must for any Palm devotee, it has a very hairy trunk with huge fan shaped leaves. Trachycarpus can be slow to germinate, but the trick is that they need cooler temperatures than most palms - 20°C to 23°C, and are best without bottom heat.

Zinnia Benarys Giant Mix

Giant Hybrid Zinnia Aprx 45 seeds
Zinnia Benarys Giant Mix produces fully double giant 4" to 5" flowers on long stems excellent for cutting. A winning tall variety growing to 3ft or 4ft with large dahlia like flowers and a proven superb variety. Colours include crimson, yellow, purple, rose, lilac, orange and white.



Symbol Codes

Germination -- Easy Moderate and Challenging

Backlog for Fresh Seed Flavour

Hardiness - To -5°C җ To -10°C җҗ Fully Hardy җҗҗ

Needs Shady Position Sunny Position Water Loving