Salad Sprouts


Sprouting Seeds - Sow & Grow any time of Year!

Seeds, beans and grains are a healthy staple diet for all of us but encouraging them to germinate first makes the nutritional value even higher. Often called Sprouting Seeds or Salad Sprouts. Below are the individual seeds that we sell for sprouting and we would recommend using Germination Jars or Seed Sprouters from a supplier like BioSnacky to help things along!

You can grow your own sprouts in just a few days and savour the most refreshing sprouts you have ever experienced. Sprouts are full of vitamins as well as minerals, amino acids, protein and fibre. They will grow quickly and are a scrumptious addition to salads, sandwiches or put into stir fries. All within easy reach in your own kitchen!

We supply leaflet guides with these seeds if you want to give it a low cost trial using well cleaned glass coffee or jam jars.


Symbol Codes

Germination -- Easy Moderate and Challenging

Backlog for Fresh Seed Flavour

Hardiness - To -5°C җ To -10°C җҗ Fully Hardy җҗҗ

Needs Shady Position Sunny Position Water Loving
